This is the way

I started today’s class by reading the questions and answers on the lesson that I was embarking on something about Ohm’s law and circuit analysis…

Well thats not the key bit today, here’s my take aways from the lesson

  • LEDs (Light emitting diodes) conventionally have a flat side that also is the side with the short leg and you would never guess this side is also the one with the larger internal structure/plate. If you are like me and can never find the cathode without a quick search remember the one of the last few points and you have your cathode.

  • The bigger lesson today is to never waste time thinking about a circuit or even trying to explain a circuit. What Electrical Engineers do is draw a circuit and then sharing, analysing and even debugging can be done of the schematic one has drawn.

To the above effect I drew and implemented a very simple LED circuit see below

I drew a circuit with a couple of switches and LEDs Drawing of the Circuit

I then built the circuit Circuit on a Bread Board

Red Button and LED working Drawing of the Circuit

Yellow Button and LED working Drawing of the Circuit

Both Yellow and Red Buttons working Drawing of the Circuit

This is the way! See you soon

Happy Today!